Insurance Learning Center
Here at Reliable Insurance, we don't just provide insurance coverage; we also want to help you understand your insurance coverage.
For your ease of reference, we have included a glossary with insurance terminology. We have also provided general insurance advice, answers to questions you may have, and links to assist you in locating information about the local community, including the Lafayette / West Lafayette / Purdue University / Tippecanoe areas.
If you are unable to locate the insurance facts you are seeking, please feel free to contact us by telephone or email.
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Insurance Frequently Asked Questions
Periodically, questions arise about coverage and terminology in an insurance policy. Below, you will find a few of the most common questions and answers. Please feel free to submit a question to us or contact us by phone to discuss any additional questions you may have.
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Business Continuation FAQ
What are business interruption risks?
These are unforeseen events that take place which put your ability to complete the job in jeopardy. It is prudent of a business owner to have a plan in place to help alleviate the impact that these events have on your business. Reliable Insurance Solutions is here to help identify risks that could render your business inoperable. Call us today to find out how we can help you identify your risks.
Annuities FAQ
I am closing in on retirement and would like to deposit into a tax-deferred vehicle. Can I open an annuity account at my age?
Yes, there are options available for those who are nearing retirement such as an Immediate Annuity. Contact Reliable Insurance Solutions to discuss your personal situation for a program that is right for you.
Auto Insurance FAQ
What should I do if I'm in an accident?
The State of Indiana requires you to complete a Certificate of Compliance (COC), whether you are at-fault or not. For more information about filing a COC, please call our agency or visit the Services & Claims portion of this site.
Buy-Sell Insurance FAQ
What is a Buy-Sell Agreement? Should I have one?
A Buy-Sell Agreement is a legal document that binds business partners and allows them to buy out the interest of a deceased partner at predetermined terms, allowing the business to continue to be run by the remaining partner(s). This type of agreement is funded by Life Insurance policies on each of the partners, allowing proceeds to be paid to the business according to the terms of the agreement. Since this is a legal document, we recommend the agreement be drafted by an attorney.
Commercial General Liability FAQ
Do I need Liability Insurance?
Yes. It is important to consider all the liability exposures that your business may have, such as actions of employees, product defects as an example, and make sure that you have adequate insurance against any that may be significant to your business.
Condo Insurance FAQ
I don’t own the structure of my condominium. Why do I need Condo Insurance?
Condominium Insurance will cover the betterments and improvements on the interior of your condo unit. The amount of coverage will depend on the quality of cabinets, wall and floor coverings, and appliances that your unit affords, as well as the size of the unit. Naturally a larger unit would require more coverage as there is more wall space involved.
Health Insurance FAQ
What is the difference between coinsurance and copayment?
Coinsurance, sometimes called "percentage participation," requires the insured to share in the cost of medical care. Under an 80/20 coinsurance provision, the Medical Expense Plan pays 80 percent of eligible medical charges above any deductible. The insured is required to pay the remaining 20 percent. Other coinsurance arrangements, e.g., 70/30 or 90/10, are sometimes used.
In the event of large or catastrophic medical expenses, an insured might suffer severe financial hardship due to the operation of the coinsurance clause. To compensate for this possibility, many major medical expense plans contain a coinsurance cap, or stop-loss limit. This provision places a limit on the insured's out-of-pocket costs in a given year arising from the operation of the coinsurance clause.
The size of the coinsurance cap generally ranges from $2,000 to $3,000, depending on the plan, although limits as low as $1,000 are sometimes used. Once the coinsurance cap has been reached, all eligible expenses above this amount are paid in full, up to the plan's overall limit of coverage.
Commercial Property FAQ
What is covered by Property Insurance?
Property Insurance includes coverage for a number of covered perils including fire, theft, windstorm, and hail. You may also be able to purchase additional coverage that is not included in your base insurance contract. Remember, property policies do have exclusions. See Reliable Insurance Solutions to tailor a policy that is right for you.
Commercial Umbrella Insurance FAQ
What is a Commercial Umbrella?
A Commercial Umbrella Liability Policy covers the amount of loss above the Liability limits of your underlying Liability policy. When a Liability claim exceeds the aggregate Liability limit of your General Liability policy, the policy limits are exhausted. The Commercial Umbrella protects the business from being liable for the excess judgment up to the Commercial Umbrella policy limits. In addition, a Commercial Umbrella contains a “Self-Insured Retention” amount, which is similar to a deductible.
Homeowners Insurance FAQ
Is Flood coverage included in my Homeowners Insurance policy?
Homeowners Insurance policies exclude Flood from coverage. You must purchase a separate Flood policy to obtain this coverage, available for purchase through Reliable Insurance Solutions.
Is my jewelry covered under a Homeowners Insurance policy?
Yes. However, there is limited coverage for jewelry for loss due to theft. To properly insure your jewelry, you should purchase an Inland Marine jewelry rider for your Homeowner policy that will also give you broader coverage.
How much Homeowners Insurance do I need?
Asset Protection: More coverage generally means you will have less to pay out of your own pocket if disaster strikes. You must determine the amount you can financially afford to lose. Depending upon your determination, more insurance may be the answer. You need enough Liability coverage to protect yourself from lawsuits resulting from your possible negligence.
Lender Requirements: Your lender may require you to cover the house for at least the amount of the mortgage. You are not required to purchase insurance from the insurer recommended by your lender.
Policy Requirements: Insurers may impose some conditions for replacement cost protection, including insurance of the property to value.
International Visitors FAQ
I have purchased a vehicle and am told I need to purchase Automobile Insurance. Am I able to purchase insurance to cover my car being an International Student?
Yes. Contact Reliable Insurance Solutions to discuss the necessary information to secure insurance on your vehicle.
Disability Insurance FAQ
What types of disabilities are not covered?
Pre-existing conditions are frequently excluded from coverage. Suicide attempts, drug abuse, war, or injuries received when committing a crime are not covered by many policies.
When are you considered disabled?
The definition varies depending on the type of policy that you have. Some plans will pay when you are not able to work in your own occupation while others pay when you are unable to engage in any occupation for which you are reasonably suited (based on your training and experience).
Key Man Insurance FAQ
Is Key Man Insurance necessary for a small business?
If the company is just you and doesn’t have any employees or other people who depend on it, then Key Man Insurance would not be necessary. However, don’t confuse Key Man Insurance with your Personal Life Insurance. If the business is just you and you have a spouse and/or children who depend on your income, then you should have Personal Life Insurance for that purpose.
I am not eligible to deposit money to receive a tax-deduction. Can I still deposit into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?
Yes, there are options available to you to still receive some tax-deferred benefits. Speak to an agent at Reliable Insurance Solutions to discover which option best suits your individual needs.
Life Insurance FAQ
I want life insurance that will take care of the debt on my home and automobile as well as take care of my family, but I don’t want to empty my wallet. What kind of life insurance should I buy?
There are many different programs for Life Insurance. The most economical program is Term Life Insurance where the coverage, as well as the premium, would be level for a stated number of years; 10, 20, 30, as an example. Contact Reliable Insurance Solutions for the program that is right for you.
Surety Bonds FAQ
What determines the size of the job a contractor can bond?
The Surety Companies use various underwriting guidelines to ascertain what Surety limits are applicable. Financial strength, prior job history, time in business, and the type of work to be performed are some of the information necessary to determine the job size.
Worker's Compensation FAQ
I am getting ready to open my own business. Am I required by law to carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance?
You must first determine your business entity, i.e., sole proprietor, partnership, LLC, corporation, etc. Consult Reliable Insurance Solutions for specific information on your business situation.
Purdue Students/Faculty FAQ
I am a student at Purdue University and do not have a car. What type of insurance might I need and why?
Students have a need not only for insuring their cars when they own one, but also Renters Insurance to cover the personal property owned including your computers and their equipment. A Renters Insurance policy does not only cover personal effects but also gives additional coverage within the policy itself, such as Personal Liability.
Renters Insurance FAQ
How much Renters Insurance do I need?
Asset Protection: More coverage generally means you will have less to pay out of your own pocket if disaster strikes. You must determine the amount you can financially afford to lose. Depending upon your determination, more insurance may be the answer. You need enough Liability coverage to protect yourself from lawsuits resulting from your possible negligence.
Policy Requirements: Insurers may impose some conditions for replacement cost protection, including insurance of the property to value.
Insurance Glossary
401K plan
An employer-sponsored retirement savings plan funded by employee contributions, which may or may not be matched by the employer. Federal laws allow employees to invest pretax dollars, up to a stated maximum each year.
absolute assignment
An irrevocable transfer of complete ownership of a life insurance policy or an annuity from one party to another. Contrast with collateral assignment.
Related Words assignment; collateral assignment
accidental bodily injury
Physical injury sustained as the result of an accident.
accidental death benefit (ADB)
A supplementary life insurance policy benefit that provides a death benefit in addition to the policy’s basic death benefit if the insured’s death occurs as the result of an accident.
Related Words double indemnity benefit
actual cash value
A form of insurance that pays damages equal to the replacement value of damaged property minus depreciation.
Related Words replacement cost
additional living expenses
Extra charges covered by homeowners policies over and above the policyholder’s customary living expenses. They kick in when the insured requires temporary shelter due to damage by a covered peril that makes the home temporarily uninhabitable.
additional term insurance option
An option available to owners of participating insurance policies under which the insurer uses a policy dividend as a net single premium to purchase one-year term insurance on the insured’s life. Also known as fifth dividend option.
Related Words dividend
adjustable life insurance
A form of life insurance that allows policy owners to vary the type of coverage provided by their policies as their insurance needs change.
adverse selection
The tendency of those exposed to a higher risk to seek more insurance coverage than those at a lower risk. Insurers react either by charging higher premiums or not insuring at all, as in the case of floods. (Flood insurance is provided by the federal government but sold mostly through the private market.) In the case of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, adverse selection concentrates risk instead of spreading it. Insurance works best when risk is shared among large numbers of policyholders.
Related Words flood insurance
aftermarket parts
See generic auto parts
Related Words generic auto parts
age limits
Ages below and above which an insurance company will not access.
alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
An alternative to going to court to settle disputes. Methods include arbitration, where disputing parties agree to be bound to the decision of an independent third party, and mediation, where a third party tries to arrange a settlement between the two sides.
annual annuity contract fee
Covers the cost of administering an annuity contract.
A life insurance product that pays periodic income benefits for a specific period of time or over the course of the annuitant’s lifetime. There are two basic types of annuities: deferred and immediate. Deferred annuities allow assets to grow tax-deferred over time before being converted to payments to the annuitant. Immediate annuities allow payments to begin within about a year of purchase.
Related Words annual annuity contract fee; annuity accumulation phase; annuity beneficiary; annuity certain; annuity contract owner; annuity cost; annuity purchase rate; b-share variable annuity; c-share variable annuity; deferred annuity; gross annuity cost; income date; joint and survivor annuity; life annuity; life annuity with period certain; life income with refund annuity; net annuity cost; quality annuity; straight life annuity; term certain annuity; variable annuity
annuity accumulation phase
The period during which the owner of a deferred annuity makes payments to build up assets.
annuity beneficiary
In certain types of annuities, a person who receives annuity contract payments if the annuity owner or annuitant dies while payments are still due.
Related Words beneficiary
annuity certain
A type of annuity contract that pays periodic income benefits for a stated period of time, regardless of whether the annuitant lives or dies. Also known as period certain annuity. Contrast with straight life annuity.
Related Words payout options; period certain
annuity contract owner
The person or entity that purchases an annuity and has all rights to the contract. Usually, but not always, the annuitant (the person who receives incomes from the contract).
annuity cost
A monetary amount that is equal to the present value of future periodic income payments under an annuity.
Related Words gross annuity cost; income date; net annuity cost
annuity purchase rate
The cost of an annuity based on such factors as the age and gender of the contract owner.
The dividing of a loss proportionately among two or more insurers that cover the same loss.
A survey to determine a property’s insurable value, or the amount of a loss.
Procedure in which an insurance company and the insured or a vendor agree to settle a claim dispute by accepting a decision made by a third party.
asset-backed securities
Bonds that represent pools of loans of similar types, duration and interest rates. Almost any loan with regular repayments of principal and interest can be securitized, from auto loans and equipment leases to credit card receivables and mortgages.
Property owned, in this case by an insurance company, including stocks, bonds and real estate. Insurance accounting is concerned with solvency and the ability to pay claims. State insurance laws therefore require a conservative valuation of assets, prohibiting insurance companies from listing assets on their balance sheets whose values are uncertain, such as furniture, fixtures, debit balances and accounts receivable that are more than 90 days past due.
assigned risk plans
Facilities through which drivers can obtain auto insurance if they are unable to buy it in the regular or voluntary market. These are the most well-known type of residual auto insurance market, which exist in every state. In an assigned risk plan, all insurers selling auto insurance in the state are assigned these drivers to insure, based on the amount of insurance they sell in the regular market.
Related Words residual market
An agreement under which one party—the assignor—transfers some or all of his ownership rights in a particular property, such as a life insurance policy or an annuity contract, to another party—the assignee.
Related Words absolute assignment; collateral assignment
association group
A type of group that generally is eligible for group insurance and that consists of members of an association of individuals formed for a purpose other than to obtain insurance coverage, such as teachers’ associations and physicians’ associations.
auto insurance policy
Six different types of auto coverage exist. Some may be required by law. Others are optional. They are:
1. Bodily injury liability, for injuries the policyholder causes to someone else.
2. Medical payments or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) for treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers of the policyholder’s car.
3. Property damage liability, for damage the policyholder causes to someone else’s property.
4. Collision, for damage to the policyholder’s car from a collision.
5. Comprehensive, for damage to the policyholder’s car not involving a collision with another car (including damage from fire, explosions, earthquakes, floods, and riots), and theft.
6. Uninsured motorists coverage, for costs resulting from an accident involving a hit-and-run driver or a driver who does not have insurance.
Related Words bodily injury liability coverage; collision coverage; compulsory auto insurance; personal injury protection coverage (PIP)
auto insurance premium
The price an insurance company charges for coverage, based on the frequency and cost of potential accidents, theft and other losses. Prices vary from company to company, as with any product or service.
Premiums also vary depending on the amount and type of coverage purchased; the make and model of the car; and the insured’s driving record, years of driving and the number of miles the car is driven per year. Other factors taken into account include the driver’s age and gender, where the car is most likely to be driven and the times of day—rush hour in an urban neighborhood or leisure time driving in rural areas, for example. Some insurance companies may also use credit history related information.
Related Words insurance score
auto replacement coverage
An option under some auto insurance policies, this coverage guarantees your car will be completely repaired or replaced, even if these costs exceed its depreciated value.
automatic premium loan
A provision in a life insurance policy that any premium not paid by the end of the grace period (usually 31 days) is automatically paid by a policy loan if there is sufficient cash value.
basis point
0.01 percent of the yield of a mortgage, bond or note. The smallest measure used.
The person or legal entity the owner of an insurance policy names to receive the policy benefit if the event insured against occurs.
Related Words annuity beneficiary; contingent benificiary; irrevocable beneficiary
Temporary authorization of coverage issued prior to the actual insurance policy.
blanket insurance
Coverage for more than one type of property at one location or one type of property at more than one location. Example: chain store
bodily injury liability coverage
Portion of an auto insurance policy that covers injuries the policyholder causes to someone else.
Related Words auto insurance policy
boiler and machinery insurance
Often called Equipment Breakdown, or Systems Breakdown insurance. Commercial insurance that covers damage caused by the malfunction or breakdown of boilers, and a vast array of other equipment including air conditioners, heating, electrical, telephone and computer systems.
A security that obligates the issuer to pay interest at specified intervals and to repay the principal amount of the loan at maturity. In insurance, a form of suretyship. Bonds of various types guarantee a payment or a reimbursement for financial losses resulting from dishonesty, failure to perform and other acts.
An intermediary between a customer and an insurance company. Brokers typically search the market for coverage appropriate to their clients. They work on commission and usually sell commercial, not personal, insurance. In life insurance, agents must be licensed as securities brokers/dealers to sell variable annuities, which are similar to stock market-based investments.
b-share variable annuity
A form of variable annuity contract with no initial sales charge but if the contract is cancelled the holder pays deferred sales charges (usually from 5 to 7 percent the first year, declining to zero after from 5 to 7 years). The most common form of annuity contract.
Related Words annuity
burglary and theft insurance
Insurance for the loss of property due to burglary, robbery or larceny. It is provided in a standard homeowners policy and in a business multiple peril policy.
business interruption insurance
Commercial coverage that reimburses a business owner for lost profits and continuing fixed expenses during the time that a business must stay closed while the premises are being restored because of physical damage from a covered peril, such as a fire. Business income insurance also may cover financial losses that may occur if civil authorities limit access to an area after a disaster and their actions prevent customers from reaching the business premises. Depending on the policy, civil authorities coverage may start after a waiting period and last for two or more weeks. Also known as business
Related Words weather insurance
business life insurance
Life insurance purchased by a business enterprise on the life of a member of the firm. It is often bought by partnerships to protect the surviving partners against loss caused by the death of a partner, or by a corporation to reimburse it for loss caused by the death of a key employee.
Related Words key-person insurance
business owners policy (BOP)
A policy that combines property, liability and business interruption coverages for small- to medium-sized businesses. Coverage is generally cheaper than if purchased through separate insurance policies.
Related Words business interruption insurance; business life insurance; commercial lines; commercial multiple peril policy; disability; disability income insurance; income protection insurance; key man insurance; key-person insurance; liability insurance; occupational disease; property casualty insurance
cash payment option
One of several nonforfeiture options included in life insurance policies and some annuity contracts that allows a policy owner to receive the cash surrender value of a life insurance policy or an annuity contract in a single payment. Also known as cash surrender option.
Related Words cash surrender value; nonforfeiture options
cash surrender value
For life insurance, the amount, before adjustments for factors such as policy loans, that the owner of a permanent life insurance policy is entitled to receive if the policy does not remain in force until the insured’s death.
For annuities, the amount of a deferred annuity’s accumulated value, less any surrender charges, that the contract holder is entitled to receive if the policy is surrendered during its accumulation period.
Related Words cash value
cash value
See cash surrender value
Related Words cash surrender value
Term used for statistical recording purposes to refer to a single incident or a series of closely related incidents causing severe insured property losses totaling more than a given amount, currently $25 million
catastrophe reinsurance
Reinsurance for catastrophic losses. The insurance industry is able to absorb the multibillion dollar losses caused by natural and man-made disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes and terrorist attacks because losses are spread among thousands of companies including catastrophe reinsurers who operate on a global basis. Insurers’ ability and willingness to sell insurance fluctuates with the availability and cost of catastrophe reinsurance. After major disasters, such as Hurricane Andrew and the World Trade Center terrorist attack, the availability of catastrophe reinsurance becomes extremely limited. Claims deplete reinsurers’ capital and, as a result, companies are more selective in the type and amount of risks they assume. In addition, with available supply limited, prices for reinsurance rise. This contributes to an overall increase in prices for property insurance.
claims made policy
A form of insurance that pays claims presented to the insurer during the term of the policy or within a specific term after its expiration. It limits liability insurers’ exposure to unknown future liabilities.
Related Words occurrence policy
Short for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. A federal law under which group health plans sponsored by employers with 20 or more employees must offer continuation of coverage to employees who leave their jobs and their dependents. The employee must pay the entire premium. Coverage can be extended up to 18 months. Surviving dependents can receive longer coverage.
In property insurance, requires the policyholder to carry insurance equal to a specified percentage of the value of property to receive full payment on a loss. For health insurance, it is a percentage of each claim above the deductible paid by the policyholder. For a 20 percent health insurance coinsurance clause, the policyholder pays for the deductible plus 20 percent of his covered losses. After paying 80 percent of losses up to a specified ceiling, the insurer starts paying 100 percent of losses.
Property that is offered to secure a loan or other credit and that becomes subject to seizure on default. Also called security.
collateral assignment
A temporary transfer of some of the ownership rights in a particular property, such as a life insurance policy or an annuity contract, as collateral for a loan. The transfer is made on the condition that upon payment of the debt for which the contract is collateral, all transferred rights shall revert back to the original owner. Contrast with absolute assignment.
Related Words absolute assignment; assignment
collision coverage
Portion of an auto insurance policy that covers the damage to the policyholder’s car from a collision.
Related Words auto insurance policy
commercial general liability insurance (CGL)
A broad commercial policy that covers all liability exposures of a business that are not specifically excluded. Coverage includes product liability, completed operations, premises and operations, and independent contractors.
commercial lines
Products designed for and bought by businesses. Among the major coverages are boiler and machinery, business income, commercial auto, comprehensive general liability, directors and officers liability, fire and allied lines, inland marine, medical malpractice liability, product liability, professional liability, surety and fidelity, and workers compensation. Most of these commercial coverages can be purchased separately except business income, which must be added to a fire insurance (property) policy.
Related Words boiler and machinery insurance; business interruption insurance; commercial multiple peril policy
commercial multiple peril policy
Package policy that includes property, boiler and machinery, crime and general liability coverages.
Related Words boiler and machinery insurance
commercial paper
Short-term, unsecured, and usually discounted promissory note issued by commercial firms and financial companies often to finance current business. Commercial paper, which is rated by debt rating agencies, is sold through dealers or directly placed with an investor.
competitive replacement parts
See crash parts; generic auto parts
Related Words crash parts; generic auto parts
complaint ratio
A measure used by some state insurance departments to track consumer complaints against insurance companies. Generally, it is stated as the number of complaints upheld against an insurance company, as a percentage of premiums written. In some states, complaints from medical providers over the promptness of payments may also be included.
completed operations coverage
Pays for bodily injury or property damage caused by a completed project or job. Protects a business that sells a service against liability claims.
comprehensive coverage
Portion of an auto insurance policy that covers damage to the policyholder’s car not involving a collision with another car (including damage from fire, explosions, earthquakes, floods and riots), and theft.
Related Words auto insurance policy
compulsory auto insurance
The minimum amount of auto liability insurance that meets a state law. Financial responsibility laws in every state require all automobile drivers to show proof, after an accident, of their ability to pay damages up to the state minimum. In compulsory liability states this proof, which is usually in the form of an insurance policy, is required before you can legally drive a car.
Related Words auto insurance policy
contestable period
The time during which an insurer has the right to cancel or rescind an insurance policy if the application contained a material misrepresentation.
Related Words incontestability provision
contingent beneficiary
The party designated to receive the proceeds of a life insurance policy following the insured’s death if the primary beneficiary predeceased the insured. Also known as secondary beneficiary and successor beneficiary.
Related Words primary beneficiary
contingent liability
Liability of individuals, corporations, or partnerships for accidents caused by people other than employees for whose acts or omissions the corporations or partnerships are responsible.
convertible term insurance policy
A term life insurance policy that gives the policy owner the right to convert the policy to a permanent plan of insurance.
crash parts
Sheet metal parts that are most often damaged in a car crash.
credit insurance
Commercial coverage against losses resulting from the failure of business debtors to pay their obligation to the insured, usually due to insolvency. The coverage is geared to manufacturers, wholesalers and service providers who may be dependent on a few accounts and therefore could lose significant income in the event of an insolvency.
credit score
The number produced by an analysis of an individual’s credit history. The use of credit information affects all consumers in many ways, including getting a job, finding a place to live, securing a loan, getting telephone service and buying insurance. Credit history is routinely reviewed by insurers before issuing a commercial policy because businesses in poor financial condition tend to cut back on safety, which can lead to more accidents and more claims. Auto and home insurers may use information in a credit history to produce an insurance score. Insurance scores may be used in underwriting and rating insurance policies.
Related Words insurance score
crime insurance
Term referring to property coverages for the perils of burglary, theft and robbery.
critical illness (CI) insurance
A type of individual health insurance that pays a lump-sum benefit when the insured is diagnosed with a specified illness. Also known as critical diagnosis insurance. Contrast with specified disease coverage.
crop-hail insurance
Protection against damage to growing crops from hail, fire or lightning provided by the private market. By contrast, multiple peril crop insurance covers a wider range of yield reducing conditions, such as drought and insect infestation, and is subsidized by the federal government.
c-share variable annuity
A form of variable annuity contract where the contract holder pays no sales fee up front or surrender charges. Owners can claim full liquidity at any time.
Related Words annuity
death benefit
(1) For a life insurance contract, the amount of money paid by an insurer to a beneficiary when a person insured under the life insurance policy dies.
(2) For an annuity contract, the amount of money paid to a beneficiary if the contract owner dies before the annuity payments begin.
Related Words ordinary life insurance
Part of a property or liability insurance policy that states the name and address of policyholder, property insured, its location and description, the policy period, premiums and supplemental information. Referred to as the “dec page.”
declined risk class
In insurance underwriting, the group of proposed insureds whose impairments or anticipated extra mortality are so great that an insurer cannot provide insurance coverage to them at an affordable cost. Also known as uninsurable class. Contrast with preferred risk class, standard risk class and substandard risk class.
Related Words preferred risk class; substandard risk class; substandard risk class
decreasing term life insurance
Term life insurance that provides a death benefit that decreases in amount over the policy term. Contrast with increasing term life insurance.
Related Words increasing term life insurance; term life insurance
The amount of loss paid by the policyholder. Either a specified dollar amount, a percentage of the claim amount, or a specified amount of time that must elapse before benefits are paid. The bigger the deductible, the lower the premium charged for the same coverage.
deferred annuity
An annuity contract, also referred to as an investment annuity, that is purchased either with a single tax-deferred premium or with periodic tax-deferred premiums over time. Payments begin at a predetermined point in time, such as retirement. Money contributed to such an annuity is intended primarily to grow tax-deferred for future use.
Related Words annuity
defined benefit plan
A retirement plan under which pension benefits are fixed in advance by a formula based generally on years of service to the company multiplied by a specific percentage of wages, usually average earnings over that period or highest average earnings over the final years with the company.
defined contribution plan
An employee benefit plan under which the employer sets up benefit accounts and contributions are made to it by the employer and by the employee. The employer usually matches the employee’s contribution up to a stated limit.
diminution of value
The idea that a vehicle loses value after it has been damaged in an accident and repaired.
Related Words auto insurance policy
directors and officers liability insurance (D&O)
Directors and officers liability insurance (D&O) covers directors and officers of a company for negligent acts or omissions and for misleading statements that result in suits against the company. There are a variety of D&O coverages. Corporate reimbursement coverage indemnifies directors and officers of the organization. Side-A coverage provides D&O coverage for personal liability when directors and officers are not indemnified by the firm. Entity coverage, for claims made specifically against the company, is also available. D&O policies may be broadened to include coverage for employment practices liability.
In disability insurance, the inability of an insured person to work due to an injury or sickness. Each disability policy has a definition of disability that must be satisfied in order for the insured to receive the policy’s benefits. (See Residual disability; Total disability)
Related Words residuall disability; total disability
disability income insurance
A type of health insurance designed to compensate an insured person for a portion of the income lost because of a disabling injury or illness. Benefit payments are made either weekly or monthly for a specified period during the continuance of an insured’s disability.
Related Words disability; income protection insurance
Money returned to policyholders from an insurance company’s earnings. Considered a partial premium refund rather than a taxable distribution, reflecting the difference between the premium charged and actual losses. Many life insurance policies and some property/casualty policies pay dividends to their owners. Life insurance policies that pay dividends are called participating policies.
double indemnity benefit
An accidental death benefit that is equal to the face amount of a life insurance policy’s basic death benefit and is paid when the insured’s death is the result of an accident as defined in the policy.
Related Words accidental death benefit (ADB)
earned premium
The portion of premium that applies to the expired part of the policy period. Insurance premiums are payable in advance but the insurance company does not fully earn them until the policy period expires.
economic loss
Total financial loss resulting from the death or disability of a wage earner, or from the destruction of property. Includes the loss of earnings, medical expenses, funeral expenses, the cost of restoring or replacing property and legal expenses. It does not include noneconomic losses, such as pain caused by an injury.
elimination period
A kind of deductible or waiting period usually found in disability policies. It is counted in days from the beginning of the illness or injury.
A written form attached to an insurance policy that alters the policy’s coverage, terms, or conditions. Sometimes called a rider.
equity indexed annuity
Nontraditional fixed annuity. The specified rate of interest guarantees a fixed minimum rate of interest like traditional fixed annuities. At the same time, additional interest may be credited to policy values based upon positive changes, if any, in an established index such as the S&P 500. The amount of additional interest depends upon the particular design of the policy. They are sold by licensed insurance agents and regulated by state insurance departments.
Related Words annuity
escrow account
Funds that a lender collects to pay monthly premiums in mortgage and homeowners insurance, and sometimes to pay property taxes.
A provision in an insurance policy that eliminates coverage for certain risks, people, property classes, or locations.
exclusive remedy
Part of the social contract that forms the basis for workers compensation statutes under which employers are responsible for work-related injury and disease, regardless of whether it was the employee’s fault and in return the injured employee gives up the right to sue when the employer’s negligence causes the harm.
extended coverage
An endorsement added to an insurance policy, or clause within a policy, that provides additional coverage for risks other than those in a basic policy.
extended replacement cost coverage
Pays a certain amount above the policy limit to replace a damaged home, generally 120 percent or 125 percent. Similar to a guaranteed replacement cost policy, which has no percentage limits. Most homeowner policy limits track inflation in building costs. Guaranteed and extended replacement cost policies are designed to protect the policyholder after a major disaster when the high demand for building contractors and materials can push up the normal cost of reconstruction.
Related Words guaranteed replacement cost coverage
extended term insurance option
One of several nonforfeiture options included in life insurance policies that allows the owner of a policy with a cash value to discontinue premium payments and to use the policy’s net cash value to purchase term insurance for the full coverage amount provided under the original policy for as long a term as the net cash value can provide. (See Nonforfeiture options)
face amount
For a fixed-amount whole life insurance policy, the amount of the death benefit payable if the insured person dies while the policy is in force.
family benefit coverage
A type of supplementary benefit rider offered in conjunction with a life insurance policy that insures the lives of the insured’s spouse and children. Also known as dependent life insurance and spouse and children’s insurance rider.
fidelity bond
A form of protection that covers policyholders for losses that they incur as a result of fraudulent acts by specified individuals. It usually insures a business for losses caused by the dishonest acts of its employees.
fiduciary bond
A type of surety bond, sometimes called a probate bond, which is required of certain fiduciaries, such as executors and trustees, that guarantees the performance of their responsibilities.
Related Words surety bond
fire insurance
A type of surety bond, sometimes called a probate bond, which is required of certain fiduciaries, such as executors and trustees, that guarantees the performance of their responsibilities.
first-party coverage
Coverage for the policyholder’s own property or person. In no-fault auto insurance it pays for the cost of injuries. In no-fault states with the broadest coverage, the personal injury protection (PIP) part of the policy pays for medical care, lost income, funeral expenses and, where the injured person is not able to provide services such as child care, for substitute services. (See No-fault; Third-party coverage)
Related Words no fault
fixed annuity
An annuity that guarantees a specific rate of return. In the case of a deferred annuity, a minimum rate of interest is guaranteed during the savings phase. During the payment phase, a fixed amount of income, paid on a regular schedule, is guaranteed.
Related Words annuity
flexible premium
A premium payment method sometimes offered in connection with annuities and with some types of life insurance that allows the contract owner or policy owner to alter the amount and the frequency of payments, within specified boundaries defined by the insurer and the law.
Attached to a homeowners policy, a floater insures movable property, covering losses wherever they may occur. Among the items often insured with a floater are expensive jewelry, musical instruments and furs. It provides broader coverage than a regular homeowners policy for these items.
flood insurance
Coverage for flood damage is available from the federal government under the National Flood Insurance Program but is sold by licensed insurance agents. Flood coverage is excluded under homeowners policies and many commercial property policies. However, flood damage is covered under the comprehensive portion of an auto insurance policy. (See Adverse selection)
Related Words adverse selection
free-look period
A period of up to one month during which the purchaser of an annuity can cancel the contract with no penalty. Rules vary by state.
Related Words annuity
gap insurance
An automobile insurance option, available in some states, that covers the difference between a car’s actual cash value when it is stolen or wrecked and the amount the consumer owes the leasing or finance company. Mainly used for leased cars.
Related Words actual cash value
generic auto parts
Auto crash parts produced by firms that are not associated with car manufacturers. Insurers consider these parts, when certified, at least as good as those that come from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). They are often cheaper than the identical part produced by the OEM.
glass insurance
Coverage for glass breakage caused by all risks; fire and war are sometimes excluded. Insurance can be bought for windows, structural glass, leaded glass and mirrors. Available with or without a deductible.
grace period
(1) For insurance premium payments, a specified length of time following a premium due date within which the renewal premium may be paid without penalty. The length of the grace period is specified in a grace period provision that is found in a life insurance, health insurance, or annuity policy.
(2) For purchases made on credit, a period of time between the date of a purchase and the date the lender begins to charge interest during which no interest accrues.
graded premium policy
A type of modified-premium whole life policy that calls for three or more levels of annual premium payment amounts, increasing at specified points in time - such as every three years - until reaching the amount to be paid as a level premium for the rest of the life of the policy.
Related Words whole life insurance
graduated driver licenses
Licenses for younger drivers that allow them to improve their skills. Regulations vary by state, but often restrict nighttime driving. Young drivers receive a learner’s permit, followed by a provisional license, before they can receive a standard driver’s license.
gross annuity cost
A monetary amount equal to the present value of future periodic income payments under an annuity contract, calculated on a gross basis, with a specific provision for expense loading. Contrast with net annuity cost.
group insurance
A single policy covering a group of individuals, usually employees of the same company or members of the same association and their dependents. Coverage occurs under a master policy issued to the employer or association.
guarantee period
Period during which the level of interest specified under a fixed annuity is guaranteed.
guaranteed death benefits
Basic death benefits guaranteed under variable annuity contracts.
Related Words variable annuity
guaranteed living benefit
A guarantee in a variable annuity that a certain level of annuity payment will be maintained. Serves as a protection against investment risks. Several types exist.
Related Words variable annuity
guaranteed income contract (GIC)
Often an option in an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan. Contract between an insurance company and the plan that guarantees a stated rate of return on invested capital over the life of the contract.
guaranteed insurance (GI) benefit
A supplementary life insurance policy benefit often provided through a policy rider that gives the policy owner the right to purchase additional insurance of the same type as the life insurance policy that provides the GI benefit on specified option dates. Also known as guaranteed insurability option (GIO).
guaranteed living benefit
A guarantee in a variable annuity that a certain level of annuity payment will be maintained. Serves as a protection against investment risks. Several types exist.
Related Words variable annuity
guaranteed renewable policy
An individual health insurance policy that requires the insurer to renew the policy—as long as premium payments are made—at least until the insured attains a specified age. The insurer can change premium rates for broad classes of insureds but not for an individual insured. Contrast with non-cancellable and guaranteed renewable policy.
guaranteed replacement cost coverage
Homeowners policy that pays the full cost of replacing or repairing a damaged or destroyed home, even if it is above the policy limit.
Related Words extended replacement cost coverage
guaranty fund
The mechanism by which solvent insurers ensure that some of the policyholder and third-party claims against insurance companies that fail are paid. Such funds are required in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, but the type and amount of claim covered by the fund varies from state to state. Some states pay policyholders’ unearned premiums—the portion of the premium for which no coverage was provided because the company was insolvent. Some have deductibles. Most states have no limits on workers compensation payments. Guaranty funds are supported by assessments on insurers doing business in the state.
gun liability
A legal concept that holds gun manufacturers liable for the cost of injuries caused by guns. Several cities have filed lawsuits based on this concept.
homeowners insurance policy
The typical homeowners insurance policy covers the house, the garage and other structures on the property, as well as personal possessions inside the house such as furniture, appliances and clothing, against a wide variety of perils including windstorms, fire and theft. The extent of the perils covered depends on the type of policy. An all-risk policy offers the broadest coverage. This covers all perils except those specifically excluded in the policy.
Related Words additional living expenses; burglary and theft insurance; extended replacement cost coverage; floater; flood insurance; guaranteed replacement cost coverage; inflation guard clause; loss of use; no-fault medical; occurrence policy; personal articles floater; sewer back-up coverage; water-damage insurance coverage
house year
Equal to 365 days of insured coverage for a single dwelling. It is the standard measurement for homeowners insurance.
immediate annuity
A product purchased with a lump sum, usually at the time retirement begins or afterwards. Payments begin within about a year. Immediate annuities can be either fixed or variable.
Related Words annuity
income date
The date on which an insurer begins or is scheduled to begin making annuity benefit payments under an annuity contract. Also known as maturity date and annuity date.
Related Words annuity
income protection insurance
A type of disability income coverage that provides an income benefit both, while the insured is totally disabled and unable to work and while he is able to work, but because of a disability, is earning less than he earned before being disabled. Also known as residual disability insurance.
Related Words disability income insurance
incontestability provision
An insurance and annuity policy provision that limits the time within which an insurer has the right to avoid the contract on the ground of material misrepresentation in the application for the policy. Also known as incontestable clause. See Contestable period; Time limit on certain defenses provision)
Related Words contestable period
increasing term life insurance
A type of term life insurance that provides a death benefit that increases by some specified amount or percentage at stated intervals over the policy term. Contrast with decreasing term life insurance.
Related Words decreasing term life insurance; term life insurance
incurred but not reported losses (IBNR)
Losses that are not filed with the insurer or reinsurer until years after the policy is sold. Some liability claims may be filed long after the event that caused the injury to occur. Asbestos-related diseases, for example, do not show up until decades after the exposure. IBNR also refers to estimates made about claims already reported but where the full extent of the injury is not yet known, such as a workers compensation claim where the degree to which work-related injuries prevents a worker from earning what he or she earned before the injury unfolds over time. Insurance companies regularly adjust reserves for such losses as new information becomes available.
incurred losses
Losses occurring within a fixed period, whether or not adjusted or paid during the same period.
Provide financial compensation for losses.
identity theft insurance
Coverage for expenses incurred as the result of an identity theft. Can include costs for notarizing fraud affidavits and certified mail, lost income from time taken off from work to meet with law-enforcement personnel or credit agencies, fees for reapplying for loans and attorney's fees to defend against lawsuits and remove criminal or civil judgments.
indeterminate premium life insurance policy
A type of nonparticipating whole life policy that specifies two premium rates—both a maximum guaranteed rate and a lower rate. The insurer charges the lower premium rate when the policy is purchased and guarantees that rate for at least a stated period of time, after which the insurer uses its actual mortality, interest, and expense experience to establish a new premium rate that may be higher or lower than the previous premium rate. Also known as nonguaranteed premium life insurance policy and variable premium life insurance policy.
Related Words whole life insurance
indexed life insurance contract
An arrangement similar to a universal life contract. Death benefit amounts are based on the amount selected by the policyholder plus the account value. The policyholder’s account value is linked to cumulative returns based on the S&P 500 index or some other tied index. An essential component of the contract is that the cash surrender value is also linked to a tied index. Typically, the tied index doesn’t include dividends. There may be additional constraints on the amount that the insurance company will credit as interest under this policy.
individual retirement account (IRA)
A tax-deductible savings plan for those who are self-employed, or those whose earnings are below a certain level or whose employers do not offer retirement plans. Others may make limited contributions on a tax-deferred basis. The Roth IRA, a special kind of retirement account created in 1997, may offer greater tax benefits to certain individuals.
inflation guard clause
A provision added to a homeowners insurance policy that automatically adjusts the coverage limit on the dwelling each time the policy is renewed to reflect current construction costs.
Related Words homeowners insurance policy
insurable interest
In insurance, a person exhibits an insurable interest in a potential loss if that person will suffer a genuine economic loss if the event insured against occurs. Without the presence of insurable interest, an insurance contract is not formed for a lawful purpose and, thus, is not a valid contract.
insurable risk
Risks for which it is relatively easy to get insurance and that meet certain criteria. These include being definable, accidental in nature, and part of a group of similar risks large enough to make losses predictable. The insurance company also must be able to come up with a reasonable price for the insurance.
A system to make large financial losses more affordable by pooling the risks of many individuals and business entities and transferring them to an insurance company or other large group in return for a premium.
insurance score
Insurance scores are confidential rankings based on credit information. This includes whether the consumer has made timely payments on loans, the number of open credit card accounts and whether a bankruptcy filing has been made. An insurance score is a measure of how well consumers manage their financial affairs, not of their financial assets. It does not include information about income or race.
Studies have shown that people who manage their money well tend also to manage their most important asset, their home, well. And people who manage their money responsibly also tend to handle driving a car responsibly. Some insurance companies use insurance scores as an insurance underwriting and rating tool.
Insurance written in an amount approximating the value of the insured property.
integrated benefits
Coverage where the distinction between job-related and non-occupational illnesses or injuries is eliminated and workers compensation and general health coverage are combined. Legal obstacles exist, however, because the two coverages are administered separately. Previously called twenty-four hour coverage.
interest-adjusted cost comparison
A cost comparison index used to compare life insurance policy costs that takes into account the time value of money. By comparing the index numbers derived for similar life insurance policies, a consumer has some basis on which to compare the costs of the policies.
Related Words net payment cost comparison index; surrender cost comparison index
interest-sensitive insurance
A general category of insurance products in which the face amount and/or the cash value vary according to the insurer’s investment earnings.
internet liability insurance
Coverage designed to protect businesses from liabilities that arise from the conducting of business over the Internet, including copyright infringement, defamation, and violation of privacy.
irrevocable beneficiary
A life insurance policy beneficiary who has a vested interest in the policy proceeds even during the insured’s lifetime because the policy owner has the right to change the beneficiary designation only after obtaining the beneficiary’s consent. Contrast with revocable beneficiary.
Related Words beneficiary
joint and survivor annuity
An annuity with two annuitants, usually spouses. Payments continue until the death of the longest living of the two.
Related Words annuity
key man insurance
A life insurance policy bought by a company, usually a small business, on the life of a key executive, with the company as the beneficiary.
Related Words business life insurance; key-person insurance
key-person insurance
Insurance designed to protect a business against the loss of income resulting from the disability or death of an employee in a significant position.
Related Words business life insurance
level premium policies
Premiums paid for a life insurance policy or for a deferred annuity that remain the same each year that the contract is in force. Contrast with modified premium policies and single premium policies
liability insurance
Insurance for what the policyholder is legally obligated to pay because of bodily injury or property damage caused to another person.
life annuity
A type of annuity contract that guarantees periodic income payments throughout the lifetime of a named individual—the annuitant. If a life annuity provides no further benefits after the death of the annuitant, the annuity is known as a straight life annuity. However, some life annuities provide that income payments will be paid either for the life of the annuitant or for a guaranteed period—life income with period certain—or at least until a guaranteed amount has been paid—life income with refund annuity.
Related Words annuity; life annuity with period certain; life income with refund annuity; straight life annuity
life annuity with period certain
A type of annuity contract that guarantees periodic income payments throughout the lifetime of a named individual—the annuitant—and guarantees that the payments will continue for at least a specified period. If the annuitant dies before the end of that specified period, the payments will continue to be paid until the end of the period to a beneficiary designated by the annuitant.
Related Words life annuity; life income with refund annuity
life income with refund annuity
A type of annuity contract that guarantees specified periodic income payments throughout the lifetime of a named individual—the annuitant— and guarantees that a refund will be made if the annuitant dies before the total of the periodic payments made equals the amount paid for the annuity. Also known as refund annuity.
Related Words annuity; life annuity
Maximum amount of insurance that can be paid for a covered loss.
Type or kind of insurance, such as personal lines.
liquor liability
Coverage for bodily injury or property damage caused by an intoxicated person who was served liquor by the policyholder.
long-term care insurance
Long-term care (LTC) insurance pays for services to help individuals who are unable to perform certain activities of daily living without assistance, or require supervision due to a cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease. LTC is available as individual insurance or through an employer-sponsored or association plan.
long-term disability income insurance
A type of disability income insurance that provides disability income benefits after short-term disability income benefits terminate and continues until the earlier of the date when the insured person returns to work, dies, or becomes eligible for pension benefits. Contrast with short-term disability income insurance.
Related Words short-term disability income insurance
A reduction in the quality or value of a property, or a legal liability.
loss of use
A provision in homeowners and renters insurance policies that reimburses policyholders for any extra living expenses due to having to live elsewhere while their home is being restored following a disaster.
Related Words homeowners insurance policy; renters insurance
l-share variable annuities
A form of variable annuity contract usually with short surrender periods and higher mortality and expense risk charges.
Related Words annuity
malpractice insurance
Professional liability coverage for physicians, lawyers, and other specialists against suits alleging negligence or errors and omissions that have harmed clients.
managed care
Arrangement between an employer or insurer and selected providers to provide comprehensive health care at a discount to members of the insured group and coordinate the financing and delivery of health care. Managed care uses medical protocols and procedures agreed on by the medical profession to be cost effective, also known as medical practice guidelines.
maturity date
(1) For endowment in insurance, the date on which an insurer will pay the face amount of an endowment policy to the policy owner if the insured is still living.
(2) In investing, the date on which a bond issuer must repay to the bondholder the amount originally borrowed. (3) For an annuity, the date on which the insurer begins to make annuity payments. Also known as income date.
Nonbinding procedure in which a third party attempts to resolve a conflict between two other parties.
medical payments insurance
A coverage in which the insurer agrees to reimburse the insured and others up to a certain limit for medical or funeral expenses as a result of bodily injury or death by accident. Payments are without regard to fault.
A false or misleading statement. (1) In insurance sales, a false or misleading statement made by a sales agent to induce a customer to purchase insurance is a prohibited sales practice. (2) In insurance underwriting, a false or misleading statement by an insurance applicant may provide a basis for the insurer to avoid the policy.
misstatement of age or sex provision
A life insurance, health insurance, and annuity policy provision that describes how policy benefits will be adjusted if the age or sex of the insured has been misstated in the insurance application. Typically, the benefits payable will be those that the premiums paid would have purchased for the correct age or sex.
modified premium policies
An insurance policy for which the policy owner first pays a lower premium than she would for a similar level premium policy for a specified initial period and then pays a higher premium than she would for a similar level premium policy. Contrast with level premium policies and single premium policies.
morbidity rate
The rate at which sickness and injury occur within a defined group of people. Insurers base health insurance premiums in part on the morbidity rate for a proposed insured’s age group. Contrast with mortality rate.
Related Words mortality rate
mortality and expense (M&E) risk charge
A fee that covers such annuity contract guarantees as death benefits.
mortality rate
A percentage rate at which death occurs among a defined group of people of a specified age and sometimes of a specified gender. Insurers base the premiums for life insurance in part on the mortality rate for a proposed insured’s age group. Contrast with morbidity rate.
Related Words morbidity rate
mortgage guarantee insurance
Coverage for the mortgagee (usually a financial institution) in the event that a mortgage holder defaults on a loan. Also called private mortgage insurance (PMI).
mortgage insurance
A form of decreasing term insurance that covers the life of a person taking out a mortgage. Death benefits provide for payment of the outstanding balance of the loan. Coverage is in decreasing term insurance, so the amount of coverage decreases as the debt decreases. A variant, mortgage unemployment insurance pays the mortgage of a policyholder who becomes involuntarily unemployed. (See Term insurance)
multiple peril policy
A package policy, such as a homeowners or business insurance policy, that provides coverage against several different perils. It also refers to the combination of property and liability coverage in one policy. In the early days of insurance, coverages for property damage and liability were purchased separately.
named peril
Peril specifically mentioned as covered in an insurance policy.
national flood insurance program
Federal government-sponsored program under which flood insurance is sold to homeowners and businesses. (See Adverse selection; Flood insurance)
Related Words adverse selection; flood insurance
net annuity cost
A monetary amount equal to the present value of future periodic payments under an annuity contract, calculated on a net basis, without any specific provision for expense loading. Contrast with gross annuity cost.
Related Words annuity cost; gross annuity cost
net payment cost comparison index
A cost comparison index used to compare life insurance policies that takes into account the time value of money and that measures the cost of a policy over a 10- or 20-year period assuming the policy owner pays premiums over the entire period. Contrast with surrender cost comparison index.
Related Words interest-adjusted cost comparison; surrender cost comparison index
no fault
Auto insurance coverage that pays for each driver’s own injuries, regardless of who caused the accident. No-fault varies from state to state. It also refers to an auto liability insurance system that restricts lawsuits to serious cases. Such policies are designed to promote faster reimbursement and to reduce litigation.
Related Words first-party coverage
no-fault medical
A type of accident coverage in homeowners policies.
Related Words homeowners insurance policy
non-cancellable and guaranteed renewable policy
An individual health insurance policy, which stipulates that, until the insured reaches a specified age (usually age 65), the insurer will not cancel the coverage, increase the premiums, or change the policy provisions as long as the premiums are paid when due. Also known as non-cancellable policy. Contrast with guaranteed renewable policy.
nonforfeiture options
The various ways in which a contract owner may apply the cash surrender value of an insurance or an annuity contract if the contract lapses. In the United States, the typical nonforfeiture options for life insurance are the cash payment option, the extended term insurance option and the reduced paid-up insurance option.
Related Words cash payment option; cash surrender value; extended term insurance option; reduced paid-up insurance option
no-pay, no-play
The idea that people who don’t buy coverage should not receive benefits. Prohibits uninsured drivers from collecting damages from insured drivers. In most states with this law, uninsured drivers may not sue for noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering. In other states, uninsured drivers are required to pay the equivalent of a large deductible ($10,000) before they can sue for property damages and another large deductible before they can sue for bodily harm.
Related Words auto insurance policy; uninsured motorists coverage
notice of loss
A written notice required by insurance companies immediately after an accident or other loss. Part of the standard provisions defining a policyholder's responsibilities after a loss.
nursing home insurance
A form of long-term care policy that covers a policyholder’s stay in a nursing facility.
occupational disease
Abnormal condition or illness caused by factors associated with the workplace. Like occupational injuries, this is covered by workers compensation policies. (See Workers compensation)
Related Words workers compensation
occurrence policy
Insurance that pays claims arising out of incidents that occur during the policy term, even if they are filed many years later.
Related Words claims made policy
Contracts that allow, but do not oblige, the buying or selling of property or assets at a certain date at a set price.
ordinance or law coverage
Endorsement to a property policy, including homeowners, that pays for the extra expense of rebuilding to comply with ordinances or laws, often building codes, that did not exist when the building was originally built. For example, a building severely damaged in a hurricane may have to be elevated above the flood line when it is rebuilt. This endorsement would cover part of the additional cost.
ordinary life insurance
A life insurance policy that remains in force for the policyholder’s lifetime.
Related Words accidental death benefit (ADB); additional term insurance option; adjustable life insurance; convertible term insurance policy; dividend; double indemnity benefit; suicide exclusion provision; term life insurance; universal life insurance; universal life insurance; variable life insurance; variable universal life (VUL) insurance; whole life insurance
package policy
A single insurance policy that combines several coverages previously sold separately. Examples include homeowners insurance and commercial multiple peril insurance.
paid-up additional insurance option
An option, available to the owners of participating life insurance policies, that allows the policy owner to use policy dividends to purchase additional insurance on the insured’s life; the paid-up additional insurance is issued on the same plan as the basic policy and in whatever face amount the dividend can provide at the insured’s attained age.
Related Words dividend; participating policy; policy dividend options
paid-up policy
An insurance policy that requires no further premium payments but continues to provide coverage.
partial disability
See residual disability
Related Words residual disability
participating policy
A type of insurance policy that allows policy owners to receive policy dividends. Also known as par policy.
Related Words dividend
payout options
The methods available to an annuity contract owner for the distribution of the annuity’s accumulated value. (1) The lump sum distribution method allows the contract owner to receive the balance of his account in a single payment. (2) The fixed period option provides that the annuity’s accumulated value will be paid out over a specified period of time. (3) The fixedamount option provides that the annuity’s accumulated value will be paid out in a pre-selected payment amount until the accumulated value is exhausted. (4) A life annuity option provides that periodic income payments will be tied in some manner to the life expectancy of a named individual.
per capita beneficiary designation
A type of life insurance policy beneficiary designation in which the life insurance benefits are divided equally among the designated beneficiaries who survive the insured. For example, if the policy specifies two beneficiaries, but only one is surviving at the time of the insured’s death, then the remaining beneficiary receives the entire policy benefit. Contrast with per stirpes beneficiary designation.
Related Words per stirpes beneficiary designation
per stirpes beneficiary designation
A type of life insurance policy beneficiary designation in which the life insurance benefits are divided among a class of beneficiaries; for example, children of the insured. The living members of the class and the descendants of any deceased members of the class share in the benefits equally. Contrast with per capita beneficiary designation.
Related Words per capita beneficiary designation
A specific risk or cause of loss covered by an insurance policy, such as a fire, windstorm, flood, or theft. A named-peril policy covers the policyholder only for the risks named in the policy in contrast to an all-risk policy, which covers all causes of loss except those specifically excluded.
period certain
The stated period over which an insurer makes periodic benefit payments under an annuity certain.
Related Words annuity certain
personal articles floater
A policy or an addition to a policy used to cover personal valuables, like jewelry or furs.
Related Words homeowners insurance policy
personal injury protection coverage (PIP)
Portion of an auto insurance policy that covers the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers of the policyholder’s car.
Related Words auto insurance policy
personal lines
Property/casualty insurance products that are designed for and bought by individuals, including homeowners and automobile policies.
Related Words commercial lines
point-of-service plan (POS)
Health insurance policy that allows the employee to choose between in-network and out-of-network care each time medical treatment is needed.
A written contract for insurance between an insurance company and policyholder stating details of coverage.
policy dividend options
Ways in which the owner of a participating insurance policy may receive policy dividends.
Related Words additional term insurance option; paid-up additional insurance option
pre-existing condition
(1) According to most group health insurance policies, a condition for which an individual received medical care during the three months immediately prior to the effective date of her coverage. (2) According to most individual health insurance policies, an injury that occurred or a sickness that first appeared or manifested itself within a specified period—usually two years—before the policy was issued and that was not disclosed on the application for insurance.
preferred provider organization (PPO)
Network of medical providers which charge on a fee-for-service basis, but are paid on a negotiated, discounted fee schedule.
preferred risk class
In insurance underwriting, the group of proposed insureds who represent a significantly lower than average likelihood of loss within the context of the insurer’s underwriting practices. Contrast with declined risk class, standard risk class and substandard risk class.
The particular location of the property or a portion of it as designated in an insurance policy.
The price of an insurance policy, typically charged annually or semiannually.
Related Words earned premium; unearned premium
premium reduction option
An option, available to the owners of participating insurance policies, that allows the insurer to apply policy dividends toward the payment of renewal premiums. (See Dividend; Policy dividend options)
Related Words dividend; policy dividend options
premium tax
A state tax on premiums paid by its residents and businesses and collected by insurers.
primary beneficiary
The party designated to receive the proceeds of a life insurance policy following the death of the insured. Also known as first beneficiary.
Related Words contingent beneficiary
private mortgage insurance (PMI)
See mortgage guarantee insurance
Related Words mortgage guarantee insurance
professional liability insurance
Covers professionals for negligence and errors or omissions that injure their clients.
proof of loss
Documents showing the insurance company that a loss occurred.
property casualty insurance
Covers damage to or loss of policyholders’ property and legal liability for damages caused to other people or their property. Property/casualty insurance, which includes auto, homeowners and commercial insurance, is one segment of the insurance industry. The other sector is life/health. Outside the United States, property/casualty insurance is referred to as nonlife or general insurance.
property casualty insurance cycle
Industry business cycle with recurrent periods of hard and soft market conditions. In the 1950s and 1960s, cycles were regular with three year periods each of hard and soft market conditions in almost all lines of property/casualty insurance. Since then they have been less regular and less frequent.
pure endowment
A life insurance contract that pays a periodic income benefit for the life of the owner of the annuity. The payment can be monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually.
pure life annuity
A form of annuity that ends payments when the annuitant dies. Payments may be fixed or variable.
quality annuity
A form of annuity purchased with pretax dollars as part of a retirement plan that benefits from special tax treatment, such as a 401(k) plan.
Related Words annuity
The cost of a unit of insurance, usually per $1,000. Rates are based on historical loss experience for similar risks and may be regulated by state insurance offices.
Literally means to draw a red line on a map around areas to receive special treatment. Refusal to issue insurance based solely on where applicants live is illegal in all states. Denial of insurance must be risk-based.
reduced paid-up insurance option
One of several nonforfeiture options included in life insurance policies that allows the owner of a policy with cash values to discontinue premium payments and to use the policy’s net cash value to purchase paid-up insurance of the same plan as the original policy.
Related Words nonforfeiture options
renters insurance
A form of insurance that covers a policyholder’s belongings against perils such as fire, theft, windstorm, hail, explosion, vandalism, riots, and others. It also provides personal liability coverage for damage the policyholder or dependents cause to third parties. It also provides additional living expenses, known as loss-of-use coverage, if a policyholder must move while his or her dwelling is repaired. It also can include coverage for property improvements. Possessions can be covered for their replacement cost or the actual cash value that includes depreciation.
Related Words loss of use
replacement cost
Insurance that pays the dollar amount needed to replace damaged personal property or dwelling property without deducting for depreciation but limited by the maximum dollar amount shown on the declarations page of the policy.
Related Words actual cash value
residual market
Facilities, such as assigned risk plans and FAIR Plans, that exist to provide coverage for those who cannot get it in the regular market. Insurers doing business in a given state generally must participate in these pools. For this reason the residual market is also known as the shared market.
Related Words assigned risk plans
residual disability
In disability income insurance, a condition in which the insured is not totally disabled, but is still unable to function as before the sickness or injury, and therefore suffers a reduction in income of at least the percentage—typically 20 percent to 25 percent—specified in the disability income plan. Also known as partial disability.
Related Words disability; total disability
A list of individual items or groups of items that are covered under one policy or a listing of specific benefits, charges, credits, assets or other defined items.
The concept of assuming a financial risk oneself, instead of paying an insurance company to take it on. Every policyholder is a self-insurer in terms of paying a deductible and co-payments. Large firms often self-insure frequent, small losses such as damage to their fleet of vehicles or minor workplace injuries. However, to protect injured employees state laws set out requirements for the assumption of workers compensation programs. Self-insurance also refers to employers who assume all or part of the responsibility for paying the health insurance claims of their employees. Firms that self insure for health claims are exempt from state insurance laws mandating the illnesses that group health insurers must cover.
separate account
In the United States, an investment account maintained separately from an insurer’s general account to help manage the funds placed in variable insurance products such as variable annuities. Contrast with general account. (See Segregated account)
settlement options
Choices given to the owner or beneficiary of a life insurance policy regarding the method by which the insurer will pay the policy’s proceeds when the policy owner does not receive the benefits in one single payment. Typically, the owner can elect (1) to leave the proceeds with the insurer and earn a specified interest rate, (2) to have the proceeds paid in a series of installments for a pre-selected period, (3) to have the proceeds paid in a pre-selected sum in a series of installments for as long as the proceeds last, or (4) to have the insurer tie payment of the proceeds to the life expectancy of a named individual through a life annuity. Also known as optional modes of settlement.
Related Words life annuity
Size of a loss. One of the criteria used in calculating premiums rates.
sewer back-up coverage
An optional part of homeowners insurance that covers sewers.
Related Words homeowners insurance policy
short-term disability income insurance
A type of disability income coverage that provides disability income benefits for a maximum benefit period of from one to five years. Contrast with long-term disability income insurance.
Related Words long-term disability income insurance
single premium annuity
An annuity that is paid in full upon purchase.
Related Words annuity
single premium policies
A type of life insurance or annuity contract that is purchased by the payment of one lump sum. (1) A single-premium deferred annuity (SPDA) is an annuity contract purchased with a single premium payment whose periodic income payments generally do not begin until several years in the future. (2) A single premium immediate annuity (SPIA) contract is an annuity contract that is purchased with a single premium payment and that will begin making periodic income payments one annuity period after the contract’s issue date.
specified disease coverage
A type of health insurance coverage that provides benefits for the diagnosis and treatment of a specifically named disease or diseases, such as cancer. Also known as dread disease coverage. Contrast with critical illness (CI) insurance.
split-dollar life insurance plan
An agreement under which a business provides individual life insurance policies for certain employees, who share in paying the cost of the policies.
spread of risk
The selling of insurance in multiple areas to multiple policyholders to minimize the danger that all policyholders will have losses at the same time. Companies are more likely to insure perils that offer a good spread of risk. Flood insurance is an example of a poor spread of risk because the people most likely to buy it are the people close to rivers and other bodies of water that flood.
Related Words adverse selection
Practice that increases the money available to pay auto liability claims. In states where this practice is permitted by law, courts may allow policyholders who have several cars insured under a single policy, or multiple vehicles insured under different policies, to add up the limit of liability available for each vehicle.
standard risk class
In insurance underwriting, the group of proposed insureds who represent average risk within the context of the insurer’s underwriting practices and therefore pay average premiums in relation to others of similar insurability. Contrast with declined risk class, preferred risk class and substandard risk class.
straight life annuity
A type of life annuity contract that provides periodic income payments for as long as the annuitant lives but provides no benefit payments after the annuitant’s death.
Related Words life annuity
structured settlement
Legal agreement to pay a designated person, usually someone who has been injured, a specified sum of money in periodic payments, usually for his or her lifetime, instead of in a single lump sum payment.
Related Words annuity
substandard premium rate
The premium rates charged insureds who are classified as substandard risks. Also known as special class rates.
substandard risk class
In insurance underwriting, the group of proposed insureds who represent a significantly greater-than-average likelihood of loss within the context of the insurer’s underwriting practices. Also known as special class risk. Contrast with declined risk class, preferred risk class and standard risk class.
Related Words declined risk class; preferred risk class
suicide exclusion provision
A life insurance policy provision stating that policy proceeds will not be paid if the insured dies as the result of suicide as defined within the policy within a specified period following the date of policy issue.
surety bond
A contract guaranteeing the performance of a specific obligation. Simply put, it is a three-party agreement under which one party, the surety company, answers to a second party, the owner, creditor or “obligee,” for a third party’s debts, default or nonperformance. Contractors are often required to purchase surety bonds if they are working on public projects. The surety company becomes responsible for carrying out the work or paying for the loss up to the bond “penalty” if the contractor fails to perform.
surrender charge
A charge for withdrawals from an annuity contract before a designated surrender charge period, usually from five to seven years.
Related Words annuity
surrender cost comparison index
A cost comparison index, used to compare insurance policies, which takes into account the time value of money and measures the cost of a policy over a 10- or 20-year period assuming the policy owner surrenders the policy for its cash value at the end of the period. Contrast with net payment cost comparison index.
Related Words interest-adjusted cost comparison; net payment cost comparison index
tax sheltered annuity (TSA)
In the United States, a retirement annuity sold only to organizations offering qualified retirement plans under section 403(b) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
Related Words annuity
tax-deferred basis
Accumulation of investment income on which income taxes are not payable until money is withdrawn from the investment vehicle.
term certain annuity
An form of annuity that pays out over a fixed period rather than when the annuitant dies.
Related Words annuity
term life insurance
A form of life insurance that covers the insured person for a certain period of time, the “term” that is specified in the policy. It pays a benefit to a designated beneficiary only when the insured dies within that specified period which can be one, five, 10 or even 20 years. Term life policies are renewable but premiums increase with age.
Related Words decreasing term life insurance; increasing term life insurance
territorial rating
A method of classifying risks by geographic location to set a fair price for coverage. The location of the insured may have a considerable impact on the cost of losses. The chance of an accident or theft is much higher in an urban area than in a rural one, for example.
third-party coverage
Liability coverage purchased by the policyholder as a protection against possible lawsuits filed by a third party. The insured and the insurer are the first and second parties to the insurance contract.
Related Words first-party coverage
time deposit
Funds that are held in a savings account for a predetermined period of time at a set interest rate. Banks can refuse to allow withdrawals from these accounts until the period has expired or assess a penalty for early withdrawals.
time limit on certain defenses provision
An individual health insurance policy provision that limits the time during which the insurer may contest the validity of the contract on the ground of misrepresentation in the application or may reduce or deny a claim on the ground it results from a preexisting condition.
Related Words incontestability provision
title insurance
Insurance that indemnifies the owner of real estate in the event that his or her clear ownership of property is challenged by the discovery of faults in the title.
total disability
For disability insurance purposes, an insured’s disability that meets the requirements of the definition of total disability included in the disability insurance policy or policy rider and that qualifies for payment of the specified disability benefits. When a disability begins, total disability is usually the complete and continuous inability of an insured to perform the essential duties of his regular occupation. After a disability has existed for a specified period, total disability usually exists only if the insured is prevented from working at any occupation for which he is reasonably fitted by education, training or experience.
Related Words disability
total loss
The condition of an automobile or other property when damage is so extensive that repair costs would exceed the value of the vehicle or property.
travel insurance
Insurance to cover problems associated with traveling, generally including trip cancellation due to illness, lost luggage and other incidents.
umbrella policy
Coverage for losses above the limit of an underlying policy or policies such as homeowners and auto insurance. While it applies to losses over the dollar amount in the underlying policies, terms of coverage are sometimes broader than those of underlying policies.
unbundled contracts
A form of annuity contract that gives purchasers the freedom to choose among certain optional features in their contract.
Related Words annuity
The result of the policyholder’s failure to buy sufficient insurance. An underinsured policyholder may only receive part of the cost of replacing or repairing damaged items covered in the policy.
Examining, accepting, or rejecting insurance risks and classifying the ones that are accepted, in order to charge appropriate premiums for them.
unearned premium
The portion of a premium already received by the insurer under which protection has not yet been provided. The entire premium is not earned until the policy period expires, even though premiums are typically paid in advance.
uninsurable risk
Risks for which it is difficult for someone to get insurance.
Related Words insurable risk
uninsured motorists coverage
Portion of an auto insurance policy that protects a policyholder from uninsured and hit-and-run drivers.
Related Words auto insurance policy; no-pay, no-play
universal life insurance
A flexible premium policy that combines protection against premature death with a type of savings vehicle, known as a cash value account, that typically earns a money market rate of interest. Death benefits can be changed during the life of the policy within limits, generally subject to a medical examination. Once funds accumulate in the cash value account, the premium can be paid at any time but the policy will lapse if there isn’t enough money to cover annual mortality charges and administrative costs.
Related Words variable universal life (VUL) insurance
The malicious and often random destruction or spoilage of another person’s property.
variable annuity
An annuity whose contract value or income payments vary according to the performance of the stocks, bonds and other investments selected by the contract owner.
Related Words annuity; guaranteed death benefits; guaranteed living benefit
variable life insurance
A policy that combines protection against premature death with a savings account that can be invested in stocks, bonds, and money market mutual funds at the policyholder’s discretion.
variable premium life insurance policy
See Indeterminate premium life insurance policy
Related Words indeterminate premium life insurance policy
variable universal life (VUL) insurance
A form of permanent life insurance that combines the premium and death benefit flexibility of universal life insurance with the investment flexibility and risk of variable life insurance. With this type of policy, the death benefit and the cash value fluctuate according to the contract’s investment performance. Also known as universal life II.
Related Words universal life insurance
A policy contract that for some reason specified in the policy becomes free of all legal effect. One example under which a policy could be voided is when information a policyholder provided is proven untrue.
waiting period
For a health insurance policy, the period of time that must pass from the date of policy issue before benefits are payable to an insured. Also known as elimination period and probationary period.
The surrender of a right or privilege. In life insurance, a provision that sets certain conditions, such as disablement, which allow coverage to remain in force without payment of premiums.
waiver of premium for disability (WP) benefit
A supplementary life insurance policy or annuity contract benefit under which the insurer promises to give up its right to collect premiums that become due while the insured is disabled according to the policy or rider’s definition of disability.
water-damage insurance coverage
Protection provided in most homeowners insurance policies against sudden and accidental water damage, from burst pipes for example. Does not cover damage from problems resulting from a lack of proper maintenance such as dripping air conditioners. Water damage from floods is covered under separate flood insurance policies issued by the federal government.
Related Words homeowners insurance policy
weather insurance
A type of business interruption insurance that compensates for financial losses caused by adverse weather conditions, such as constant rain on the day scheduled for a major outdoor concert.
Related Words business interruption insurance
whole life insurance
The oldest kind of cash value life insurance that combines protection against premature death with a savings account. Premiums are fixed and guaranteed and remain level throughout the policy’s lifetime.
Related Words graded premium policy; indeterminate premium life insurance policy; ordinary life insurance
workers compensation
Insurance that pays for medical care and physical rehabilitation of injured workers and helps to replace lost wages while they are unable to work. State laws, which vary significantly, govern the amount of benefits paid and other compensation provisions.
Related Words occupational disease
wrap-up insurance
Broad policy coordinated to cover liability exposures for a large group of businesses that have something in common. Might be used to insure all businesses working on a large construction project, such as an apartment complex.
To insure, underwrite, or accept an application for insurance.
yearly renewable term (YRT) insurance
One-year term life insurance that is renewable at the end of the policy term. Also known as annually renewable term (ART) insurance. (See Term life insurance)
Related Words term life insurance